Ultima modifica: 17 Maggio 2017
I.T.I.S. P. Paleocapa > Senza categoria > A fresh look towards Europe

A fresh look towards Europe

Progetto di mobilità internazionale del personale scolastico

Scheda di mobilità

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nominativo Emanuela Ciuni
funzione docente di S. I. Chimica
nazione | città Repubblica Ceca – Praga
periodo 22/08/16 – 26/08/16
ente ospitante ITC INTERNATIONAL
oggetto Current issues in education – early school leaving

in italiano

Ho frequentato il corso in oggetto insieme ad un gruppo di docenti provenienti dalla Grecia, Irlanda, Spagna, Turchia.

Le nostre trainers, Magda e Blanka, ci hanno guidato nell’affrontare le problematiche relative al precoce abbandono scolastico degli studenti nonché quelle relative a studenti con BES. Inoltre ci hanno presentato le nuove metodologie didattiche da adottare nei particolari contesti di cui sopra.

Nel dettaglio il programma del corso:

  • Identificazione di studenti a rischio di abbandono scolastico
  • Rischi e benefici dell’integrazione, studenti ADHD, comunicazione con studenti e genitori (strategie per prevenire il conflitto e risolvere situazioni di conflitto)
  • Individual education plan
  • Talented students: intelligenze multiple e stili di apprendimento
  • Effective lesson planning
  • Structural learning di studenti con autismo, learning disorders (or disabilities)
  • Attività di gruppo (inclusive), attività musicale
  • Valutazione, prevenzione di abbandono scolastico e test sociometrico
  • Metodi di insegnamento innovativi: task based learning, project based learning, peer teaching
  • Multiculturalismo e alunni provenienti da diversi background socioeconomici

Durante le attività svolte, prettamente pratiche, c’era la possibilità di confrontarsi attraverso le esperienze personali e ho trovato molto interessante quanto i punti di vista fossero differenti a seconda della nazionalità di provenienza.

Il nostro gruppo al lavoro

Il mio gruppo (E. Ciuni)


in english

I attended the course with some teachers that come from Ireland, Spain, Greece and Turkey.

Our trainers were Magda and Blanka that provided innovative teaching methods, practical proposals on how to handle communication with students at risk. They helped us to identify the best ways to prevent communication difficulties which may lead to a student leaving school early, and to provide tools for effective management of conflict situations. They also offered suggestions on how to deal with students who are at risk of leaving school early, and suggestioned on how to react to the first signs of absenteeism.

This is the detail of Course:

  • Identification of Students at Risk;
  • Risks and benefits of integration, student with ADHD, effective communication with students and parents (strategies for conflict prevention and solution of conflict situation);
  • Individual education plan;
  • Talented students: multiple Intelligences and learning styles;
  • Effective lesson planning;
  • Structural learning for students with autism, learning disorders (or disabilities);
  • Inclusive group Activities, Music activities;
  • Assessment, early school leaving prevention and measurement, Sociometric test;
  • Innovative teaching methods and trends leading to active involvement of all students (Task based learning, Project Based Learning, Peer teaching);
  • Multiculturalism and learners from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

The course allowed us to share experiences and practices, that are very different, in our countries, and it offered us theoretical background to different possible approaches. It also allowed to know how to get hands-on experience with methodologies which should support students with different needs.

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